Monday, December 5, 2011

Bonus Tip: It's the Art that Counts

Last summer, I received a request, asking permission from an artist to use one of my photos for a painting that she was doing. I gave permission, and, yesterday, I received this email update:
Hi David!

I'm long over due to provide you status on the bluebonnet painting. The last day of painting class was this past Wednesday. Although the painting is not finished, I'm well on my way with some 36 hours of effort. I plan to complete the project in time for Michael’s arrival on 12/17, and will present to him for Christmas.

While in painting class I have received many complements on my work; even from visiting professional artists. I know most of the credit goes to you for the great composition. Once Michael knows the whole story of how your work inspired me to paint this gift, I hope you two meet and view the painting in person. Please understand I have become one with the painting and no longer concern myself with an exact duplication of your original yet wonderful photograph but must tell you I’m so enjoying the process.

I was in Austin for Thanksgiving and hoped to meet you in person but noticed your calendar showed you as out of office. If you’re ever in St. Louis on business please contact me. Once I complete the Bluebonnets near Round Rock painting, I will send you a photo.

BTW, Michael is the painter's son, who is a soldier, returning home from a combat deployment.

I am touched, honored, and Awestruck!

The results are in. Take a look at Tip #95.

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