Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tip #35: iPhone Apps

Today's tip is about iPhone Apps. Yes, Virginia, I do shoot photos with my iPhone. With a little patience, images can be pretty good. The applications that run on iPhones range from toy camera apps to fairly nice editing apps. I own several, and until now, I had not counted them. Here goes.

  1. Camera+ ($.99) is my everyday app, replacing the default camera app. Camera+ takes a quick photo with independent focus and aperture placement. It also has many filters that change the appearance of the final photo.

  2. Pocket Light Meter (free) is the app that does just what is says. It serves as a reasonable light meter to assist with ISO, aperture, and shutter speed settings.

  3. PS Express (free) is Adobe's entry into the app world. It is nothing like the full blown Photoshop, except it does make image editing pretty simple.

  4. blueSLR (free) is a geo-tagging and remote control application. The app is free but the camera attaching GPS-dongle is an expensive add-on to a DSLR ($149).

  5. Picasa Web Mobile (free web app) is the mobile complement to the Picasa desktop software.

  6. Seadragon is an app that allows mobile viewing of Photosynth images. Unfortunately, the app is no longer available on the app store.

  7. Nikon Learn and Explore (free) is an app that serves up photography training modules.

  8. Square (free) is an app and a dongle that lets anyone collect credit card payments.

  9. Gorillacam (free) is another replacement for the default camera app. This app allows rapid fire photos and can be set up to take a photo anytime the iPhone screen is touched.

  10. Snapseed ($4.99) is Nik Software's photo editing app with filters that makes full use of the touch interface on the iPhone and iPad. This one is my favorite.

  11. Snap&Sketch ($.99) takes your photos and converts them into pencil, charcoal, or crayon sketches. I like this one, too.

I hope you give one or more of these a try.

Update 1/20/2012: Snapseed, the mobile photo app that I have crowed about, is now available for the Mac desktop and is coming to Windows in the near future. WOOT!

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