Monday, January 2, 2012

Tip #48: Auto-Announce

This tip is for bloggers in general. You don't have to be in photography to use it. If you have an active blog, and you like to announce the new projects on facebook , twitter, or other outlets, you will benefit from an automatic feed. You can use one of several resources. I happen to use twitterfeed. Here's what I did for this blog:

  1. Create an account on twitterfeed. It's free.

  2. Add a new feed, using a name descriptive to you.

  3. Set up the frequency of updates. I use the 1-hour setting.

  4. Set up number of postings to add to the external resource (facebook in this case). I use the value, 1.

  5. Set up optional prefix or suffix text. For my photo blog, I prefex everything with "New Picture: "

  6. Let the service run. As you create new blog posts, the service will automatically add project posts to your facebook wall or project page.

One of the necessary entries on twitterfeed is your RSS URL for your site.

Happy sharing!

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