Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tip #75: Lists on Blogs

Sometimes, when writing articles or tips or notes, you need to enumerate the steps to a solution or list bullet points to emphasize the main points of your discussion. In this collection of "how-to's" I have used both kinds of lists, and I have wondered out loud, why the blog editing tools do not have bullets and lists included. Here are examples of each and the code needed to make them. The tags are simple and differ, only, by a single letter: <ol> or <ul>:

Ordered list (enumerated):

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  2. Nulla semper nulla ut quam fermentum vel vulputate est ultricies.

  3. Donec at diam sit amet justo fermentum pulvinar ut a nisi.

The Code:

<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</li>
<li>Nulla semper nulla ut quam fermentum vel vulputate est ultricies.</li>
<li>Donec at diam sit amet justo fermentum pulvinar ut a nisi.</li>

Unordered list (not numbered):

  • Pellentesque quis libero vel ipsum cursus tincidunt.

  • Phasellus facilisis enim id tellus ornare vestibulum.

  • Nunc pretium arcu ut felis elementum ut viverra mi faucibus.

The Code:

<li>Pellentesque quis libero vel ipsum cursus tincidunt.</li>
<li>Phasellus facilisis enim id tellus ornare vestibulum.</li>
<li>Nunc pretium arcu ut felis elementum ut viverra mi faucibus.</li>

I hope this helps you get your points across!

Note: Here's a quick follow-up. I was working with my blog tool,, when I realized that I always write in the "edit html" mode. When I accidentally clicked on "compose" mode, guess what I found. I found buttons to automatically add ordered and unordered lists -- imagine that. The moral of the story is, don't get stuck in a rut!

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